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Products to help us survive critical times

For Veterans and their Families
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Top survival foods 

Must have items

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Ultimate emergency kits

Do you have an amazing idea that you’d like to turn into a business?

Has your current business hit a plateau in sales?

Do you want to pivot your business to a new or additional audience?

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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices?

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“Cutting edge Technology that can save your life”

Water and Water Purification:

Basic First Aid Kit:

Non-perishable Food:

Flashlight and Batteries:


Manual Can Opener:

Multipurpose Tool:


Local Maps and Compass:

My Approach to surviving

1. Mindset & Psychology

The key to survival often starts in the mind:

  • Stay Calm: Panic can lead to poor decisions. Take deep breaths, ground yourself, and focus on the task at hand.
  • Positive Mental Attitude: Maintaining a positive and proactive mindset can increase your odds of survival.
  • Stay Active: Activity not only keeps you warm and burns off stress, but it also gives purpose and direction.

2. Prioritize Based on Situation

The famous survival adage “The Rule of Threes” says:

  • You can survive 3 minutes without air or in icy water.
  • You can survive 3 hours without shelter in harsh environments.
  • You can survive 3 days without water.
  • You can survive 3 weeks without food.

This gives a priority framework:

3. Secure Shelter

  • Protect against the elements (wind, rain, cold, or excessive heat).
  • Use natural shelters when available: caves, overhangs, or dense forests.
  • Create makeshift shelters using materials on hand.

4. Find and Purify Water

  • Always prioritize finding a water source.
  • Collect rainwater, dew, or even snow.
  • Always purify if unsure of the water’s cleanliness. Boiling, tablets, filters, or solar disinfection can be used.

5. Secure Food Sources

  • Knowledge of local flora and fauna is crucial. Some plants or animals may be poisonous.
  • Use traps or makeshift tools for hunting or fishing. Remember, bugs and insects are also high in protein.

6. Fire Creation

  • Fire serves multiple purposes: warmth, signaling, protection, and cooking.
  • Have multiple means of starting a fire: flint and steel, matches, lighters, or even lenses.

7. Signaling and Communication

  • Use whistles, mirrors, fires, or create ground signals to attract attention.
  • If you have them, radios or signaling devices can be of great help.


Food and Water is absolute to survive

Find and Purify Water

  • Always prioritize finding a water source.
  • Collect rainwater, dew, or even snow.
  • Always purify if unsure of the water’s cleanliness. Boiling, tablets, filters, or solar disinfection can be used.


Have an Active Vision, Strategy, & Roadmap to Reach Your Goals

  1. Important Documents: Copies of personal identification, medical records, bank account information, and insurance policies in a waterproof container.

  2. Cash: ATMs might not work, and having cash on hand can be essential for purchasing necessary supplies.


Scale & Maintain Healthy Operations & Culture

Remember, the exact items you might need can vary depending on the nature of the disaster and your geographical location. Tailoring your survival kit to your specific needs and potential threats is always a good idea. Regularly checking and refreshing supplies is also crucial to ensure you’re always prepared. 

Pre-planning & Preparation

Avoid Unnecessary Risks

  • If you’re venturing into unknown or potentially dangerous areas, inform someone of your plans or itinerary.
  • Research the area, understand potential challenges, and always have an emergency plan.

Remember, no two survival situations are exactly alike, so flexibility and adaptability are just as important as any tool or piece of equipment. Knowledge, preparation, and a clear mindset are your best allies.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Business Coaching?

Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada.Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum 

How Do I Know if Business Coaching Is Right for Me?
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CEO, Divi Corner

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CEO, Extra Space

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CEO, Monarch Inc.